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Composer: The Tragically Hip

The Tragically Hip - Train Overnight lyrics

I dont wanna put another thought
in my head.

The hummingbird is cleared for
evacuating long after it made no sense.
Its not so much a load and stay any more
as a gotta-get-down-the-road-before-the-

I dont wanna put a little thought
in your head.

Diplomacy goes even better with drinks
(until the big city trees began to shrink.)
its not so much a load out and stay
its gotta get down the road before the
snarling traffic roars.

I dont wanna ask you,
What you got in your head?
Im not gonna ask you
a whole bunch of questions.

OK, we agree to disagree....
Giving up....Giving Up the Embassy
is a whole lot better than,
The Embassys Surrendering.

Flying home under the approval of the stars,
I couldnt be more at home with the way
things are so hard.
Its not so much a load-out
and stay anymore
its a gotta get down the road before
the confetti cannon blows
with litigious force.

I dont wanna ask you,
What you got in your head?
I dont wanna ask you,
Whatcha been thinking?

I dont wanna put another
thought in my head.

I dont wanna put another
thought in my head.
Songs list of album: Music @ Work (2000)
         Title Rating
01    My Music at Work lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Tiger the Lion lyrics   -
03   Lake Fever lyrics   -
04   Putting Down lyrics   -
05   Stay lyrics   -
06   The Bastard lyrics   -
07   The Completists lyrics   -
08   Freak Turbulence lyrics   -
09   Sharks lyrics   -
10    Toronto #4 lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Wild Mountain Honey lyrics   -
12   Train Overnight lyrics   -
13   The Bear lyrics   -
14    As I Wind Down the Pines lyrics Add lyrics   -

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