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Composer: Train

Train - If You Leave lyrics

Sweet dreams from Texaco, and I know your mind is on
its way to Mexico, sweet Jesus is on his way to take
you on his way down
You get your fill of what you like and you fill your head
with what you might want yourself to be when you're ready
But if you leave
It's gonna get a little easier to break down
And if you leave
It's gonna get a little bit easier for you to break down
My new dress is your new way out, my new way is your new
dress, and you look fine
But your new belief is my regret and my regret
leaves you to believe that we have found the line
And if you leave
Take me along, anywhere is ok
And if you leave
Take me along, anywhere is ok
Think back and you can feel me movin through you
It's easy when you try
Think back and you can feel me
Well you won't feel me
You can't feel me if you leave
And if you leave
You won't feel me
Songs list of album: Train (1998)
         Title Rating
01    Meet Virginia lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   I Am lyrics   -
03   If You Leave lyrics   -
04   Homesick lyrics   -
05   Free lyrics   -
06   Blind lyrics   -
07   Eggplant lyrics   -
08   Idaho lyrics   -
09   Days lyrics   -
10   Rat lyrics   -
11   Swaying lyrics   -
12    Train lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Heavy lyrics   -

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