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Composer: John Fogerty

John Fogerty - Honey Do lyrics

Honey do this
Honey do that
Work all day in The Honey Do Patch
Woman oh woman
what's a-wrong with you
I can't get away from The Honey Do

Well way back in history
about a half million years
Back in the cradle of civilized fear
Saturday morning the cave man's wife
First spoke the words to make a grown man cry


Well the weekend's here
and it's time to relax
Kick up my feet in the shade out back
But i must-a been thinking
about some other guy
'couse here comes The Warden
with a look in her eye


Well I dreamed I died
and went up to heaven
No more weedin', mashin' and shovelin'
I'm standing in line at the old Pearly Gates
Up steps the woman
and hands me a rake


What's that?
Yes dear
Alright honey
Songs list of album: Deja Vu All Over Again (2004)
         Title Rating
01   D?j? Vu (All Over Again) lyrics   -
02   Sugar-Sugar (In My Life) lyrics   -
03   She's Got Baggage lyrics   -
04   Radar lyrics   -
05   Honey Do lyrics   -
06   Nobody's Here Anymore lyrics   -
07   I Will Walk With You lyrics   -
08   Rhubarb Pie lyrics   -
09   Wicked Old Witch lyrics   -
10   In the Garden lyrics   -

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