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Composer: John Mellencamp

John Mellencamp - I Ain't Ever Satisfied lyrics

I love the things that scare most folks to death
But I ain't ever satisfied
I'll stay till the end or till I'm gasping my last breath
But I ain't ever satisfied
No, I am never satisfied

I can pretty much come and go as I like
But I ain't ever satisfied
Hey, with no bottom line it's hard to know wrong from right
But I ain't ever satisfied
I'll try anything once but then do it to death
But I ain't ever satisfied
I expect the worst but I hope for the best
Oh, I ain't ever satisfied
No, I ain't ever satisfied
No, no, no, no, I am never satisfied

Can't get enough, no, of nothing

I've got seven of everything and more in the till
But I ain't ever satisfied
You think this is dangerous stuff
It ain't even a thrill
I ain't ever satisfied
Oh, I am never
No, I am never
I don't know why I ain't ever satisfied
Songs list of album: Whenever We Wanted (1991)
         Title Rating
01    Love And Happiness lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Now More Than Ever lyrics   -
03   I Ain't Ever Satisfied lyrics   -
04   Get a Leg Up lyrics   -
05   Crazy Ones lyrics   -
06   Last Chance lyrics   -
07   They're So Tough lyrics   -
08   Melting Pot lyrics   -
09   Whenever We Wanted lyrics   -
10   Again Tonight lyrics   -

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