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Composer: Matthew Ashman, Dave Barbarossa, Leigh Gorman, Grillet, Pietri

Bow Wow Wow - Cowboy lyrics

Lookin' for a boy, a real boy, strong boy
Searchin' for a boy, a tough boy, rough boy
I just love the smell of his leather skin
Just love to feel muscle in his jeans

Give me a cow, give me a boy, give me a cowboy
I'm looking, I'm searching for someone (who won't go weak at the knees)
When those schoolboy Apaches come knocking

Comb your hair, good looking, prepare to go rocking

Searching for a boy, a real boy, a strong boy
I wanna be squeezed by a pair of boots
I wanna get teased by Westcoast boots

Give me a cow, give me a boy, give me a cowboy
I'm looking, I'm searching for someone (who won't go weak at the knees)
When those schoolboy Apaches come knocking

I wanna be chapped by a lassoo freak
Love to be kidnapped, at least for a week

I'm looking, I'm searching for a real boy - give me a cowboy

Give me a cow (cow), give me a boy (boy), give me a cowboy
I'm coming to hunt you down, Geronimo
I'm sure I can't stand this world much longer

Give me a cow (cow), give me a boy (boy), give me, give me a cowboy
I'm coming to hunt you down, Geronimo (hear the wolf attack in the canyon)
I'm sure I can't stand this world much longer

Songs list of album: I Want Candy (1982)
         Title Rating
01    I Want Candy lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Baby, Oh No lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Louis Quatorze lyrics   -
04   Cowboy lyrics   -
05   Mile High Club lyrics   -
06    Go Wild in the Country lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Jungle Boy lyrics   -
08   El Boss Dicho lyrics   -
09    (I'm A) TV Savage lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   King Kong lyrics   -

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