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Composer: Warren Fitzgerald

The Vandals - Fourteen lyrics

I've watched you grow for all these years and shamefully admit, I've loved to watch you blossom and it's awful hard to quit- feeling these feelings stirring up inside of me.

You nearly are a woman now and in a couple years, all the rules and

boundaries will slowly disappear, wait now my child until you get a

little older, every new sunrise brings your heart a little closer- to me


But I can't make love to you- because you're fourteen just a peck on the cheek as I'm counting the weeks go by (why? why?) We can't make love together- because you're fourteen years old And the trust of your mom that we're not doing wrong, I just can't betray-today.

Just an ounce of patience we can still do things we like-

watch you eat an ice cream cone and watch you ride your bike

Patiently longing for that future day of truth-

I want to hug and kiss you nearly every time I see you

but I don't want the neighborhood to get the wrong idea

there'll come a day when love like ours is not a crime

just give it time-


But I can't make love to you- because you're fourteen just a hug and a sigh from a law biding guy tonight (why? why?) We can't make love together- because you're fourteen years old And the trust of your mom that we're not doing wrong, I just can't betray-today.
Songs list of album: Look What I Almost Stepped In... (2000)
         Title Rating
01    Behind the Music lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Sorry, Mom and Dad lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Go lyrics   -
04   The New You lyrics   -
05   Flowers Are Pretty lyrics   -
06   Jackass lyrics   -
07    What About Me? lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    You're Not the Boss of Me (Kick It) lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    I'm the Boss of Me lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   That's My Girl lyrics   -
11    Get a Roo lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   San Berdu lyrics   -
13   Crippled & Blind lyrics   -
14   Fourteen lyrics   -

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