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Composer: Sergie Loobkoff

Samiam - Television lyrics

leaves his mind there at five.
He knows his work's all done tonight.
Doesn't care about love greed or hate:
a beer and T.V. will disguise his fate.
He moves his lips but nothing comes out.
He clears his soul, but no one else could tell.
Just one time he came along.
Set aside all the things he knew.
When all the peoples faces turned to gold,
he found his thoughts and mind were sold.
He moves his lips, but nothing comes out.
He clears his soul, but no one else could tell.
Songs list of album: Samiam (1989)
         Title Rating
01   Television lyrics   -
02   Home Sweet Home lyrics   -
03   The Bridge lyrics   -
04   Sympathy lyrics   -
05   Ever Felt Avoided lyrics   -
06   Underground lyrics   -
07   Speed lyrics   -
08   Just Another lyrics   -
09   Trusty lyrics   -
10   Stained Glass lyrics   -
11   My Eyes lyrics   -
12   Because You Don't lyrics   -
13    You Looking at Me lyrics Add lyrics   -
14   Insightful lyrics   -
15   Blank Expression lyrics   -
16   Early Morning lyrics   -

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