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Composer: Mark Hollis, Tim Friese-Greene

Talk Talk - The Rainbow lyrics

(Mark Hollis Simon Brenner Paul Webb Lee Harris)
The party's over
I never thought you'd stay
The love of laughter
My truth's no longer sane
The party's over
Much older than you'd say
This friend of no one
Time creases on your face
Take a look at
the kids
I've been losing track
This crime of being uncertain of your love
Is all I'm guilty of
The party's over
I never thought you'd stay
A style of reason
This life of masquerade
Take a look at the kids
I've been losing track
This crime of bein
g uncertain of your love
Is all I'm guilty of
Take this punishment away Lord
Name the crime I'm guilty of
Too much hope I've seen as virtue
Name the crime I'm guilty of
Songs list of album: Spirit of Eden (1988)
         Title Rating
01   The Rainbow lyrics   -
02   Eden lyrics   -
03   Desire lyrics   -
04   Inheritance lyrics   -
05   I Believe in You lyrics   -
06   Wealth lyrics   -

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