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Composer: Ween

Ween - If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All) lyrics

On a free ride home from the embassy
I saw the governor, and his lover holding hands
When I got to my place, I emptied my suitcase
And opened the windows wide

If you could save yourself, you'd save us all
Is that what you called me for, is that why you're knocking on my door?
The time I've spent, working myself to death
Thought that's what you wanted
I thought you needed my help
To make it good again, to make us strong
To make you happy, to push you along
And gain some respect, to be thrown a crumb
I was on my knees, when you knocked me down

The wheels fell off, the bottom dropped out
The checks all bounced, I came in your mouth
Your mother came calling but there was no one around
The trash caught fire when the leaves turned brown
The vultures were circling when the circus left town
I left you a note but I wrote it in disappearing ink

If you could save yourself, you'd save us all
Is that what you called me for, is that why you're knocking on my door?
The time I've spent, working myself to death
Thought that's what you wanted
I thought you needed my help
To make it good again, to make us strong
To make you happy, to push you along
And gain some respect, to be thrown a crumb
I was on my knees, when you knocked me down
Songs list of album: Quebec (2003)
         Title Rating
01    It's Gonna Be a Long Night lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Zoloft lyrics   -
03   Transdermal Celebration lyrics   -
04   Among His Tribe lyrics   -
05    So Many People in the Neighborhood lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Tried and True lyrics   -
07   Happy Colored Marbles lyrics   -
08    Here There Fancypants lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Captain lyrics   -
10   Chocolate Town lyrics   -
11   I Don't Want It lyrics   -
12    The F**ked Jam lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Alcan Road lyrics   -
14   The Argus lyrics   -
15   If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All) lyrics   -

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