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Composer: Tenacious D

Tenacious D - Karate Schnitzel lyrics

JB: God, I'm fuckin hungry. Let me check the fridge... Dude, where's my fuckin
schnitzel? Hey, wake up. Wake up you asshole, wake up.
KG: Whahahat? Wh?
JB: Wake up.
KG: What?
JB: You ate my fuckin schnitzel.
KG: What?
JB: You ate my fuckin schnitzel.
KG: Well it was in there. If you put it in there, then it's fair game.
JB: Yeah?
KG: For anybody that wants to eat it.
JB: Well then maybe this is fair game. WOW!
KG: Ow God, Hey!
JB: Yeah, that's right its a karate chop!
KG: What're ya doin?
JB: Well if you didn't like that, how 'bout this? KIKAY!
Songs list of album: Tenacious D (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Kielbasa lyrics   -
02   One Note Song lyrics   -
03   Tribute lyrics  
04   Wonderboy lyrics   -
05   Hard Fucking lyrics   -
06   Fuck Her Gently lyrics   -
07   Explosivo lyrics   -
08   Dio lyrics   -
09   Inward Singing lyrics   -
10    Kyle Quit the Band lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   The Road lyrics   -
12   Cock Pushups lyrics   -
13   Lee lyrics   -
14   Friendship Test lyrics  
15   Friendship lyrics   -
16   Karate Schnitzel lyrics   -
17   Karate lyrics   -
18   Rock Your Socks lyrics   -
19   Drive-Thru lyrics   -
20   Double Team lyrics   -
21   City Hall lyrics   -

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Tribute lyrics
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