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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Tenacious D

Tenacious D - Dio lyrics

Dio has rocked for a long, long time,
Now it's time for him to pass the torch.
He has songs of wildebeests and angels,
He has soared on the wings of a demon.

It's time to pass the torch,
You're too old to rock, no more rockin' for you.
We're takin' you to a home,
But we will sing a song about you.

And we will make sure that you're very well taken care of.
You'll tell us secrets that you've learned. Raow!
Your sauce will mix with ours,
And we'll make a good goulash baby.
Dio, time to go!
You must give your cape and scepter to me.
And a smaller one for KG.
Go! Go! Dio! Dio!
Songs list of album: Tenacious D (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Kielbasa lyrics   -
02   One Note Song lyrics   -
03   Tribute lyrics  
04   Wonderboy lyrics   -
05   Hard Fucking lyrics   -
06   Fuck Her Gently lyrics   -
07   Explosivo lyrics   -
08   Dio lyrics   -
09   Inward Singing lyrics   -
10    Kyle Quit the Band lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   The Road lyrics   -
12   Cock Pushups lyrics   -
13   Lee lyrics   -
14   Friendship Test lyrics  
15   Friendship lyrics   -
16   Karate Schnitzel lyrics   -
17   Karate lyrics   -
18   Rock Your Socks lyrics   -
19   Drive-Thru lyrics   -
20   Double Team lyrics   -
21   City Hall lyrics   -

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Tribute lyrics
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