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Composer: Adam Sandler, Herlihy, T.

Adam Sandler - The Mule Session lyrics

My girlfriend left me for a seven foot Indian
My grandma hung herself on a tree in the Caribbean
My sister's on the dope and my brother always picks his nose
And Daddy's only happy when he's wearing Mama's pantyhose, yeah
I just lost my job to a God damn robot (Good times!)
Then my dog got in the freeze box, he ate everything I got

But I've got my mule
He's a very, very nice mule
He walks with me home from school
Cause he's a very, very nice mule

When he was a baby my mother fed him gruel
But now he prefers to dine on his own stool
He always philosophizes with the rabbis after shul
Cause he's a very, very pious mule

When he sees a picture of a carrot he has a tendency to druel
On Halloween he tries to scare me by dressing up as a ghoul
He once challenged someone who stole my hat to a duel
Cause he's a very, very Old school mule

A needle-nosed plier is his favorite tool
He lifeguards on a volunteer basis and the Rec. Center pool
When I break down on the side of the road he shows up with unleaded fuel
He's a devoted fan of Ms. Paula Abdul

And also approves of the recent makeover of former folkie Jewel
When I told him Halle Berry's husband cheated he just shook his head and said to himself 'what a fool'
Cause he's a very, very monogamous mule

(snoring) Porkchop! Wake up, man, the session's not over!

After several well-publicized arrests for public urination he now drinks exclusively O'Doul
And every year he puts on a presentation at the Boys Club to show kids smoking isn't cool
His favorite Elvis song is 'Don't be Cruel', no it's 'Hound Dog'
I was just kidding you
Songs list of album: Shhh...Don't Tell (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Sid & Alex lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Pibb Goes Surfing lyrics   -
03   The Amazing Willy Wanker lyrics   -
04   Gay Robot lyrics   -
05    Pibb Tries the Skateboarding lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Creepin' On the Mayor lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    The Mayor of Pu**ytown lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Timmy Tinyhole lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Pibb Takes the Mexican ATV Tour lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Wolfman lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Secret lyrics   -
12    The Boss and the Secretary lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Best Friend lyrics   -
14    Pibb Needs the Hot Rocks lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   The Mule Session lyrics   -
16    Newlyweds, Sleepyheads lyrics Add lyrics   -
17    Calling Home lyrics Add lyrics   -
18    Mr. I Do and the Doo Doos lyrics Add lyrics   -
19    Whore! Where Are You?! lyrics Add lyrics   -
20    Stan the Man lyrics Add lyrics   -

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