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Composer: John D. Loudermilk

Marianne Faithfull - This Little Bird lyrics

I'm just a symptom of my time,
just a victim of my mind
Turning deaf and dumb and blind
cause I need to
I'm inescapably obsessed with the thoughts I have repressed
How I look when I'm undressed to receive you
Why do you think your love could ever change me?
you don't know anything about me baby
Should I wax or should I shave,
be a master or a slave
Would a good girl misbehave like I plan to
Do I smile or do I pout,
turn the collar in or out
It's the little things that count,
baby can't you see that I
just can't take it anymore
I need to find some
kind of light behind the door

And it gets me down,
yes it gets me down
Everybody's got it right but me somehow
And it gets me down,
spins my head around

Life really should be easier by
now I read another magazine,
see the star I've never been
Hope is something in between all the pages
So I buy a promise in a jar,
I try to cover up the scars
There's no shelter from the storm when it rages
I've tried so long and hard and nothing changes
God must be laughing as he turns away


I just can't take it anymore
I need to find some kind of light behind the door
I'm just a symptom of my time.....
Songs list of album: Love in a Mist (1967)
         Title Rating
01   Yesterday lyrics   -
02   You Can't Go Where the Roses Go lyrics   -
03   Our Love Has Gone lyrics   -
04   Don't Make Promises lyrics   -
05   In the Night Time lyrics   -
06   This Little Bird lyrics   -
07   Ne Me Quitte Pas lyrics   -
08    Counting [UK Version] lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Reason to Believe lyrics   -
10   Coquillages lyrics   -
11   With You in Mind lyrics   -
12   Young Girl Blues lyrics   -
13   Good Guy lyrics   -
14   I Have a Love lyrics   -
15   Rosie, Rosie lyrics   -

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