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Composer: Chris D., G., Minas, K., Stefanos

On Thorns I Lay - Gallant Nights lyrics

Hey, it looks wonderful today
it 's the perfect day to play "lonely".
Why all the darkness?
- Wait for the morning comes...
Why all the pain?
- Wait here to meet me...

They thought always giving me hope
They thought I 'd better try on my own.
They thought in their colorful way.
They know I'll be back to give love some day.

Hey, it's high time I got the chance.
Find the answer at a glance, finally.
Why are we frightened?
- We need this to go on
Why are we waiting?
- Some thinking has to be done
Songs list of album: Egocentric (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Life Can Be lyrics   -
02    Poster on a Wall lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Afraid to Believe lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Unsung Songs lyrics   -
05    Lack in Resorts lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Gallant Nights lyrics   -
07   When I'm Gone lyrics   -
08    Rampant of K-Ism lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Dawn of Loss lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Quotation for Listening lyrics Add lyrics   -

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