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Composer: Johan Edlund, Thomas Petersson

Tiamat - Smell of Incense lyrics

This dole crowner gallows me
As this mere welkin hallowed be
Where upon I trick and train and tire
To limn my umbered love in fire
Before this noble mare betrays
As I clearly see it all decays
In debile coil of smoke surprises
As our last orison quickens as we
Are trembling near this poise of free
Quell me maculate slowly dyer
Case my remains with sharpened brier
Atone me to my throes curtail
To dim and dire fields I vail
And my ale's but a slumbering liar
Then so lingered here but none
To buckle back what had begun
In molten aeons caged desire
Dared phantasma us much higher
Ceased to milch the clover flower
Neither raindrops nor my lover
Shall restore what has been done
When we're all keeled in freezing sun
Songs list of album: Clouds (1994)
         Title Rating
01   In a Dream lyrics   -
02   Clouds lyrics   -
03   Smell of Incense lyrics   -
04   A Caress of Stars lyrics   -
05   The Sleeping Beauty lyrics   -
06   Forever Burning Flames lyrics   -
07   The Scapegoat lyrics   -
08   Undressed lyrics   -

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