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Composer: Tad Morose, Urban Breed

Tad Morose - A Mended Rhyme lyrics

He sat there so idle just sat on the ground I watched as he mumbled but I

heard no sound I dared not go closer I dared not at first but somehow I got


My son said the father I can not explain The reason I left you has caused

me much pain I dared not come closer I dared not at first but somehow I got


Sometimes I hear them in my mind Dare I join them now

It's A mended rhyme at a preset time Join them now or lose them forever A

silent mime The final chime Just join them now

He did not lift his eyes just sat there and cried Now I know the words I

heard him say I joined him on my knees and then even I cried He wiped away

my tears that's when I heard him say...
Songs list of album: A Mended Rhyme (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Circuit Vision lyrics   -
02   But Angels Shine lyrics   -
03   A Mended Rhyme lyrics   -
04    The Trader of Souls lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Time of No Sun lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   The Dragon Tide lyrics   -
07    Goddess of Chaos lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   The Vacant Lot lyrics   -
09    Guest of Inquisition lyrics Add lyrics   -

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