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Composer: Satyr Wongraven

Satyricon - Black Lava lyrics

Grey heavens, no light shed
Bleak day, change is ahead
Oval mountainside, naked cold
Unreleased powers, no fright

Slide down sorror, smell what comes with the breeze
Cold chambers, punishment awaits
Hollow tone haunts, anticipation's choir songs
Turn around, face the depth of inner sanctum

Autum in the air, (the) smell of Black Metal 90-95
World moves, in mysterious ways
Body onwards, mind drifts
You die, then we hail (to our relief)

New age dawns
Face all wrath
Sickness; won't understand,
Burning fist
Grace falls
Volcano shaking
Fates are being sealed

Heavens blunder,
no turning back
Will you or will you not
to heroism walk

Black Lava, drifting down the mountainside
Black Lava, you can't fight

Pernicious flow, redemptive perpetuity
Unholy drive, the gods arrogant grin
If my world's a joke, do you see them smile?
Hellbound me - on a throne of gold

Wastelands prey on dying cattle
Desert sucks on poor man's thirst
Glimpse of glory, walk ahead
Slaves of Nazareth, can not be fed

Black Lava, drfiting down the mountainside
Black Lava, you can't fight
Songs list of album: Volcano (2003)
         Title Rating
01   With Ravenous Hunger lyrics   -
02   Angstridden lyrics   -
03    Fuel for Hatred lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Suffering the Tyrants lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Possessed lyrics   -
06   Repined Bastard Nation lyrics   -
07   Mental Mercury lyrics   -
08   Black Lava lyrics   -

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