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Composer: Nick Holmes, Gregor MacKintosh

Paradise Lost - Enchantment lyrics


Like a fever, fever - inside of me
Like a fever, fever - inside of me

Stand fast, faithful one
See the moon and not the sun but I...
All I need is a simple reminder

Breakdown frail affairs
Turn from the elusive starts but I...
All I need is a simple reminder

Guilt is feeding, feeding, inside Im cold

In depth grasp the chains
Struggle as the waters gain but I...
All I need is a simple reminder

Observe the formation fight until the battles won
But I... All I need is a simple reminder

Theres no rule to say youll cry alone
Just to find the strength to help you carry the load
Reserve the frown and let the power surge
But when alone you cannot resist the urge

Feel it, feel it, like the pain of dying
Feel it, feel it, like the pain of dying

Hold on face to face damaged by the
sad disgrace but I...
All I need is a simple reminder

Twisting the knife in vain end the
grief but who will gain but I...
All I ned is a simple excuse
Songs list of album: Draconian Times (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Enchantment lyrics   -
02   Hallowed Land lyrics   -
03   The Last Time lyrics   -
04   Forever Failure lyrics   -
05   Once Solemn lyrics   -
06   Shadowkings lyrics   -
07   Elusive Cure lyrics   -
08    Yearn for Change lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Shades of God lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Hands of Reason lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   I See Your Face lyrics   -
12   Jaded lyrics   -

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