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In Flames - Scorn lyrics

I parish and nobody will know
as my mouth remains still
my heart awaits me, filled with gravel
as the pain grows with each touch

since I marked her out from my tower
reality focused through forbidden lenses
she owns enough of preciousness
a penalty given by the source

but I still have no choise through
the hinderens freighten
a labarynth closing at the edge of space

but they never allow
she´s shut....for all beings but one
I give, I scorn, I treath
Songs list of album: Colony (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Embody the Invisible lyrics   -
02   Ordinary Story lyrics   -
03   Scorn lyrics   -
04   Colony lyrics   -
05   Zombie Inc. lyrics   -
06   Pallar Anders Visa lyrics   -
07   Coerced Coexistence lyrics   -
08   Resin lyrics   -
09   Behind Space '99 lyrics   -
10   Insipid 2000 lyrics   -
11   The New World lyrics   -

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