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In Flames - Embody the Invisible lyrics

I demand nothing, but I want it all
what privilege do we have under the sun,
that gives us the right to the throne?

species come and go, but the earth stands forever fast
all river runs towards the sea, but the sea is never full

to discover the loneliness and be to proud to show the wounds
will forever wander alone through the years

but I won't let you near
begging for you to understand
the fear that lives in my soul
which is an untouched spring

read, what is written on the silent mouth
what is written in the soul
for which is written in the shining silence
we all have to read

my body will be bent from the burdens
when the shaking floor of life-force
reveal its chasm underneath
if only one could be two steps ahead.
Songs list of album: Colony (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Embody the Invisible lyrics   -
02   Ordinary Story lyrics   -
03   Scorn lyrics   -
04   Colony lyrics   -
05   Zombie Inc. lyrics   -
06   Pallar Anders Visa lyrics   -
07   Coerced Coexistence lyrics   -
08   Resin lyrics   -
09   Behind Space '99 lyrics   -
10   Insipid 2000 lyrics   -
11   The New World lyrics   -

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