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Composer: Moonspell

Moonspell - Herr Spieglmann lyrics

Look Me in the eyes and drown...

"Everyone considered the man in the blue jacket
as the most beautiful human being they have ever seen:
nuns saw on him the Messiah in flesh;
Satan's adorers the lustrous Prince of Darkness;
philosophers the Supreme Being;
young females an enchanted prince;
Men an ideal reflection of themselves."

Patrick Suskind: The Perfume ("Story Of An Assassin")

Look Me in the eyes and drown...

I am your vulture, your immoral sculpture
Mirrorman, who understands
I am you, I know you
Your fantasy and reality
I wait for you to welcome you in my dreamworld
My water-eyes

Look Me in the eyes
Touch me in the eyes and dream...
Songs list of album: Irreligious (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Perverse... Almost Religious [instrumental] lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Opium lyrics   -
03   Awake lyrics   -
04   For a Taste of Eternity lyrics   -
05   Ruin & Misery lyrics   -
06   A Poisoned Gift lyrics   -
07   Subversion lyrics   -
08   Raven Claws lyrics   -
09   Mephisto lyrics   -
10   Herr Spieglmann lyrics   -
11   Full Moon Madness lyrics   -

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