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Composer: Skyclad, Graeme English

Skyclad - Science Never Sleeps lyrics

Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab coats draped over big black lies.

They cover their stupidity by calling it 'Stupology',
rearrange your world without one word of an apology.
Make a man-made-soul so small it fits inside your pocket,
when you die they'll shoot it up to heaven in a rocket.

We've made tomorrow's world - a Nirvana for the damned.
We've made tomorrow's world - Mother Earth on Fatherland?
We've made tomorrow's world - we're the cause and the effect,
we've made tomorrow's world - could George Orwell be correct?

Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human amoebae that helplessly float,
in a final solution - suspended in hope.

Let me show you something hideous,
insidious, creeping and libidinous.
the worst laid plans of men with mice,
wielding scalpels - laboratory sacrifice.

Great for the economy - destroying our ecology.
Unscrupulous, malicious - yet chemically delicious.

Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human amoebae that helplessly float,
in a final solution - suspended in hope.

Will we shiver in dark centuries of cryogenic winter,
or be vapourized to ashes when atoms start to splinter?
A case of heads or tails - it's their coin so they can choose,
breed creatures born with two of either so they cannot lose.

We've made tomorrow's world - a Nirvana for the damned.
We've made tomorrow's world - Mother Earth on Fatherland?
We've made tomorrow's world - we're the cause and the effect,
we've made tomorrow's world - could George Orwell be correct?

Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human amoebae that helplessly float,
in a final solution - suspended in hope
Songs list of album: Irrational Anthems (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Inequality Street lyrics   -
02   The Wrong Song lyrics   -
03   Snake Charming lyrics   -
04   Penny Dreadful lyrics   -
05   The Sinful Ensemble lyrics   -
06    My Mother in Darkness lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Spiral Starecase [instrumental] lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    No Deposit, No Return lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Sabre Dance [instrumental] lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   I Dubious lyrics   -
11   Science Never Sleeps lyrics   -
12   History Lessens lyrics   -
13   Quantity Time lyrics   -

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