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Composer: Mark Knopfler

Dire Straits - Walk of Life lyrics

Here ocmes Johnny singing oldies goldies
Be-Bop-A-Lula, Baby What I Say
Here comes johnny singing I Gotta Woman
Down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay
He got the action, he got the motion
Yeah the boy can play
Dedication devotion
Turning all the night time into the day

He do the song about the sweet lovin' woman
He do the song about the knife
He do the wlka, he do the walk of life

Here comes johnny and he'll tell you a story
Hand me down my walkin' shoes
Here come Johnny with the power and the glory
Backbeat the talkin' blues
He got the action, he got the motion
Yeah the boy can play
Dedication devotion
Turning all the night time into the day

He do the song about the sweet lovin' woman
He do the song about the knife
He do the walk, he do the walk of life

Here come Johnny singin' oldies goldies
Be-Bop-A-Lula, Baby What I Say
Down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay
He got the action, he got the motion
Yeah the boy can play
Dedication devotion
Turning all the night time into the day

And after all the violence and double talk
There's just a song in all the trouble and the strife
You do the walk, you do the walk of life .
Songs list of album: Brothers in Arms (1985)
         Title Rating
01   So Far Away lyrics   -
02   Money for Nothing lyrics   -
03   Walk of Life lyrics   -
04   Your Latest Trick lyrics   -
05   Why Worry lyrics   -
06   Ride Across the River lyrics   -
07   The Man's Too Strong lyrics   -
08   One World lyrics   -
09   Brothers in Arms lyrics   -

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