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Composer: King's X

King's X - Skeptical Winds lyrics

The sewer pipe queen,
Dangles my dream
Makes all that I've seen,
Seem so obscene
Pitch pennies with heels,
Watch them roll like wheels
As I toot on my flute,
Writing songs about the naked truth

With prayer and sin
And sinister mens
Pale visions of grins
Ride on skeptical winds

Drink water from wells
Live your life in hell
Whatever oh well
What a masterpiece made out of silver
Beg borrow or steal
Make it seem unreal
Let Caesar attend
Bring his so called friends
Start a solo band
Make it second hand
Make sure if you can
That you don't go down with the drowning man

With prayer and sin
And sinister mens
Pale visions of grins
Ride on skeptical winds

Mia Farrow's so cute
So is Kim in her suit
Who stands on the shore
And makes friends with brutes

With prayer and sin
And sinister mens
Pale visions of grins
Ride on skeptical winds
Songs list of album: Manic Moonlight (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Believe lyrics   -
02   Manic Moonlight lyrics   -
03   Yeah lyrics   -
04   False Alarm lyrics   -
05   Static lyrics   -
06   Skeptical Winds lyrics   -
07   The Other Side lyrics   -
08   Vegetable lyrics   -
09   Jenna lyrics   -
10    Water Ceremony lyrics Add lyrics   -

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