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Composer: Stabbing Westward

Stabbing Westward - Slipping Away lyrics

I feel it slipping away
I feel it slipping away
I gave it all but no one cared
I feel it slipping away
I feel it slipping away
my God it's slipping away
I gave it all but no one cared
I feel it slipping away

I feel it slipping away
I feel it slipping away
no more pain and no more fear
I feel it slipping away

I just can't learn to forget
I'm choking on the memories
choking on regret
I tried but I can't find a way
to untangle all the pieces
after they've been thrown away

I will not suffer this loss
of you again and again and again
I refuse to continue to live
in this perpetual nightmare
I decide it ends right here

I feel it slipping
I feel it slipping
everything is slipping away
Songs list of album: Wither Blister Burn & Peel (1996)
         Title Rating
01   I Don't Believe lyrics   -
02   Shame lyrics   -
03    What Do I Have to Do? lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Why lyrics   -
05   Inside You lyrics   -
06   Falls Apart lyrics   -
07   So Wrong lyrics   -
08   Crushing Me lyrics   -
09   Sleep lyrics   -
10   Slipping Away lyrics   -

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