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Composer: Mick Box, David Byron, Lee Kerslake

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time lyrics

Every day I have to look to the sun
To see where it was that I have come from
I have a feelin that there must be a time
When I'll get a chance to go home
'Cause I'm so tired of being here alone
But I'm just a traveller in time
Trying so hard to pay for my crime

If I could go back the same way I got here
And see the people that I once held so near
I'd do my best to find an answer for you
But first I must wait 'til I'm set free
And I don't know how long that's gonna be
'Cause I'm a man with a whole lot on his mind
Just out there somewhere travelling in time
Travelling in Time
I've tried for so long to find some way
Of helping mankind.

Songs list of album: Demons and Wizards (1972)
         Title Rating
01   The Wizard lyrics   -
02   Traveller in Time lyrics   -
03   Easy Livin' lyrics   -
04   Poet's Justice lyrics   -
05   Circle of Hands lyrics  
06   Rainbow Demon lyrics   -
07   All My Life lyrics   -
08   Paradise/The Spell lyrics   -

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