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Composer: The Tubes

The Tubes - Fantastic Delusion lyrics

Look around tell me what you see
The sky is blue and the trees are green
But what you see isn't what it seems
It's all part of a cruel scheme

Look closer, you can see the flaws
The holes in the floor and cracks in the walls
That gleam in your eye isn't there at all
It's painted on like a face of a doll

So it begins, fantastic delusion
Time and again, time and again

I see you dancin' as they pull the string
And droolin' when that dinner bell rings
Don't you wish you could stop wishin'
You're not even listenin'

And if what I say is the truth
If the trees aren't green and the sky's not blue
Then I'm not really losin' you
One thing for sure, I'm real confused

So it begins, fantastic delusion
Time and again, time and again

Shuffling back and forth all day
Most people never notice
But I'm not crazy and I know what I say
It's all hocus-pocus

Don't you wish you could stop wishin'
You're not even listenin'
One thing for sure it's real confusin'
Fantastic delusion
Songs list of album: Outside Inside (1983)
         Title Rating
01    She's a Beauty lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   No Not Again lyrics   -
03    Out of the Business lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   The Monkey Time lyrics   -
05   Glass House lyrics   -
06    Wild Women of Wongo lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Tip of My Tongue lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Fantastic Delusion lyrics   -
09   Drums lyrics   -
10   Theme Park lyrics   -
11    Outside Lookin' Inside lyrics Add lyrics   -

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