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Composer: Enthorned, Sabathani

Enthroned - Alastor Rex Perpetuus Doloris lyrics

Christian, u r living your last millenium of light, your final chapter of
joy in god embrance.
Dooggs ! ! u r existing for the last day of paradise, but you can already
your graves to entomb the world you are live fucking.
The armageddonic hordes are ready for a new circle of destruction.
Soon of all you will be drown in hell, by our frantic slaughters.

As alastor is waiting to reap your weak carcass all over by millions ! Its
time to bear chaos and pain to riddle christians bu our pestilences no
chance to survive !
We are allucinated by our hatred and aggression, the most horrible and
hideous creatures we are in their eyes in the bigger blood bath we will
fight for our desires to see the seas turn into impure durt.
Open the gate of netzatch see the perverted once riding the dragon to
malkuth turning the sun to steel by an eruption never seen !
Open the gates of geburan and see the triump by our weapons.
Open the skies to ain soph and kick the christian plagues towards their
final judgement !
substained by ninnagesh legions, we have to keep a running fight to bring
satanic laws.

satan's commandments are our path to eternity, our blood, our breath for the
extremination of the messiah.

In the ninth year will come come disaster and agony concerning the kingdom
of light the world will receive a supereme domination of terror, a monarchy
of crimson desolation.
The apocalypse ! ! !


The lord of silence and melancholy is already here for all of you.
netzach, I m your new ruler, namiel die !
netzach, I m the dark, phaniel die !
netzach, I m the usurper, auriel die !
atziluth, brain, yesod, benah, kether you are ours, eternally ! !
Songs list of album: Apocalypse Manifesto (1999)
         Title Rating
01    Whisperings of Terror (Intro) lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   The Apocalypse Manifesto lyrics   -
03   Death Faceless Chaos lyrics   -
04    Retribution of the Holy Trinity lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Genocide [Concerto N 35 for Razors] lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    V?lkermord, Der Antigott lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Alastor Rex Perpetuus Doloris lyrics   -
08    The Scourge of God lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    The Scourge of God lyrics Add lyrics   -

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