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Composer: Robert Flynn, Machine Head

Machine Head - The Burning Red lyrics

I see the sun begin to rise
And I'm wounded I've seen the world from painted eyes
That I'm crying through I watch the darkness hit the tides
And confide in... Hold On

I'm falling
Can't breathe anymore
The ocean has opened
These scars need to heal
Caress the needle prick in my eye
The tears fell like rain
I've rode the phoenix as she glides
And I've gone insane I've seen the light of suicide
And I'm dying Hold on,

I'm falling
Can't breathe anymore
And the Ocean has opened
These Scars need to heal
Hold on I'm falling, can't reach... reach...
Colder and colder Just hold onto me
Songs list of album: Hellalive (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Bulldozer lyrics   -
02    The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Ten Ton Hammer lyrics   -
04   Old lyrics   -
05   Crashing Around You lyrics   -
06    Take My Scars lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   I'm Your God Now lyrics   -
08   None But My Own lyrics   -
09   From This Day lyrics   -
10   American High lyrics   -
11   Nothing Left lyrics   -
12   The Burning Red lyrics   -
13   Davidian lyrics   -
14   Supercharger lyrics   -

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