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Composer: Alexi Laiho

Children of Bodom - Wrath Within lyrics

Once I desire, eternity has come
pull back, the tale is black, all we have to die
You say so, I am invading vision - satisfy

Once I look back, so miracle
on a crib with the night
Sensation, call me to die

Look down, we have to sow and all waits to say go
Once I desire, be back to hear this cry: let me out

(And I am the first one, any want to die!?)

With my salvation within your pain
you gotta develop pain into your desires
What it always about: you raise your pain
why you can't desire your cold regained?
Come on, get down

I touch your legs, so cold, make me cold in the light,
and I burn now, no pain
Your pain seems so far away,
so everything that's cold in light may die down

You raise your pain and I kill your strain,
anyway, I get into your desires my way
I crave your pain;
I can't swallow your pain: why you returned
Songs list of album: Hatebreeder (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Warheart lyrics   -
02   Silent Night, Bodom Night lyrics   -
03   Hatebreeder lyrics   -
04   Bed of Razors lyrics   -
05   Towards Dead End lyrics   -
06   Black Widow lyrics   -
07   Wrath Within lyrics   -
08   Children of Bodom lyrics   -
09   Downfall lyrics   -

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