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Composer: Barry Hay, George Kooymans, Rinus Gerritsen, Cesar Zuiderwijk, Herritsen, R.

Golden Earring - Need Her lyrics

From the Album:
* No promises no debts

I'm not into false feelin's of self-pity
And I don't cry that much
But I feel like a cripple
Little orphan that's lost his little crutch
Isn't it true she's lyin' suicidal fool
Always testin' her luck
And when I'm with her
I wanna be without her again
As soon as I can before I get stuck
Need her to make my life more complicated
Need her to get myself all constipated
Need her like a knife stickin' in my back
Need her to get me off the right track
I need her chokin' me to the death
Missles and rockets hidden in her pockets
And I'm tryin' to stay out a range
But she says I'm an amateuristic son of a bitch
And she scores another point again
When she slams the door behind her
And I know I won't see her for at least another month or so
My blood starts boilin' and I feel like screamin'
That I goddamn need her so
But when I'm with her
I wanna be without her again
As soon as I can
That's the way it always goes with Anita
Songs list of album: No Promises...No Debts (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Heart Beat lyrics   -
02   Need Her lyrics   -
03    Sellin' Out lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Snot Love in Spain lyrics   -
05   Save Your Skin lyrics   -
06   D Light lyrics   -
07   Tiger Bay lyrics   -
08   Weekend Love lyrics   -
09   Don't Close the Door lyrics   -
10   Don't Stop the Show lyrics   -
11    By Routes lyrics Add lyrics   -

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