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Composer: Billy Graziadei

Biohazard - Trap lyrics

those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains
so this mindless school of jellyfish become a useful beast of burden

I can't get this fucking feeling outta my head
You've gone and pushed me too far now I wish you dead
Faith was something that I used to have
But time has covered all the innosence with lies


Rape and take from me what I make
For you it's a job, for me a mistake
Machines are made to destroy all that's sane
I'll never forget you or your fucking name

I can't take this no more, it's time that I hunt you down and kill you

I've taken this as far as I'm gonna take it
You get in my face, I'll fucking kill you
Stay outta my way, let me be alone
Get out of my life, I don't need you

I've taken this as far as I'm gonna take it
I'm gonna find a way to fucking kill you
You pushed and pushed and pushed me over the edge
Now I'm searchin for a way to have you fuckin head
Watch the life flow from your veins as I get hard
Think of all the pain you caused me as I discharge
My blood is pumping fast through the heart that you scarred
As the bodies of my enemies float on by

Now I've got this picture floating in head, you lying in front of me covered in red
Satisfaction from all I've achieved, the smell of your rotting flesh, I heave
Songs list of album: Uncivilization (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Sellout lyrics   -
02   Uncivilization lyrics   -
03   Wide Awake lyrics   -
04   Get Away lyrics   -
05   Unified lyrics   -
06   Gone lyrics   -
07   Letter Go lyrics   -
08   Last Man Standing lyrics   -
09   HFFK lyrics   -
10   Domination lyrics   -
11   Trap lyrics   -
12   Plastic lyrics   -
13   Cross the Line lyrics   -

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