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Composer: Alf, Anders, At the Gates, Tomas

At the Gates - Ever-Opening Flower lyrics

Music: Anders/Alf/AT THE GATES
Lyrics: Tomas

Ever-opening flower
Feed me seven notes of love
Let its wine burn through my veins
and free my soul from its pain

Urges rage my fevered mind,
held back by dead notes, blind

By the seventh sign of the seventh son,
the seventh sun sets forever in the dark sea of my mind

Never I shall smile, never I shall die

Sun be gone, end my world,
enter darkness, rich of pain
I'm eternal, forever to be free
I'm one with fire, a thousand suns burn in me

[And never I shall smile, no never I shall die]

Ever-opening flower
Feed me seven notes of love
Urges rage my fevered mind,
held back by dead notes, blind

[And never I shall smile, no never I shall die

Sun be gone, end my world,
enter darkness, rich of pain
I'm eternal, forever to be free
I'm one with fire, a thousand suns burn in me

By the seventh sign of the seventh son,
the seventh sun sets forever in the dark sea of my mind,
in the dark sea of my mind


Ever-opening flower
Feed me seven notes of love
Urges rage my fevered mind,
held back by dead notes, blind, blind]
Songs list of album: With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Beyond Good and Evil lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Raped by the Light of Christ lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    The Break of Autumn lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Non-Divine lyrics   -
05   Primal Breath lyrics   -
06   The Architects lyrics   -
07   Stardrowned lyrics   -
08    Blood of the Sunsets lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   The Burning Darkness lyrics   -
10   Ever-Opening Flower lyrics   -
11    Through the Red lyrics Add lyrics   -

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