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Composer: Alf, At the Gates, Sioux-Tribe

At the Gates - Primal Breath lyrics

Lyrics: Sloux-tribe poem

Look the herons in the greenbilled water
their wet-ash wings wear medallions of patience
We drift on...
We have stories as old as the great seas
breaking through the chest
Flying out the mouth
Noisy tongues that once were silenced
All the oceans we contain, coming to light [, coming to light]

All the dark birds rush from the river
Leaving only the stillness of their language
There are no clocks to measure time,
but the beating of our singing hearts [, sing hard]
We have stories as old as the great seas
breaking through the chest
Flying out the mouth
Noisy tongues that once were silenced]
You will know it is winter
by the way you dreams tremble like stones
when the wind comes through
The wind, full of hearts that beat quick and strong

[Noisy tongues that once were silenced
All the oceans we contain, coming to light

Primal breath
Songs list of album: With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Beyond Good and Evil lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Raped by the Light of Christ lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    The Break of Autumn lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Non-Divine lyrics   -
05   Primal Breath lyrics   -
06   The Architects lyrics   -
07   Stardrowned lyrics   -
08    Blood of the Sunsets lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   The Burning Darkness lyrics   -
10   Ever-Opening Flower lyrics   -
11    Through the Red lyrics Add lyrics   -

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