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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Tom Angelripper, Sodom

Sodom - Genocide lyrics

this is the dark side of humanity

to liberate treacherous insanity

you can't ignore the truth behind

that followed us until the end of time

you see the stars when the night is done

you see the death when the life is gone

confused by the rules who'll take control

there is no god

the sacred halls of truth

that bitternis on youth

i heared the whispered tales

of glory and of death

of immortality

into their destiny

we fight the holy fire

while feeding satan's flames



demented minds



tortured lifes

sitting on a time bomb with a primitive design

wish we got the spirit and the power to survive

the final day is close to us the right to live refused

who gonna wake'em up to kill the multitude

no revolution set us free to break the line

answers lost before somebody asking why

just one bullet left for perpetual sleep

locked up in a cage kicked away the key

the sacred halls of truth

that bitternis on youth

i heared the whispered tales

of glory and of death

of immortality

into their destiny

we fight the holy fire

while feeding satan's flames



demented minds



tortured lifes

the sacred halls of truth

that bitternis on youth

i heared the whispered tales

of glory and of death

of immortality

into their destiny

we fight the holy fire

while feeding satan's flames



demented minds



tortured lifes
Songs list of album: M-16 (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Among the Weirdcong lyrics   -
02   I Am the War lyrics   -
03    Napalm in the Morning lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Minejumper lyrics   -
05   Genocide lyrics   -
06   Little Boy lyrics   -
07   M-16 lyrics   -
08   Lead Injection lyrics   -
09   Cannon Fodder lyrics   -
10   Marines lyrics   -
11   Surfin' Bird lyrics   -

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