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Composer: Ihsahn

Emperor - The Prophet lyrics

... and as if awaken from eternal sleep
he sought a mentor

for he no longer knew his position

"It is time after miracles
and I am its prophet
I have not come to cure
but to bear witness decease"

"It is the place where blood and soil
lie beyond the boundaries of the sun
and I am its prophet
I cast the shadow
I absorb the light"

"I am the prophet
I bear witness
I absorb
I cry"

"As I die
I shall burst wide open
As I die
I shall release the apocalypse
my prophecy
Thus, I hold on to faith
Thus, I keep the hope
That it will prosper
and devour"

"It is time after miracles
and I am its prophet
I have not come to cure
but to bear witness decease"

... and pain joined his urge to perceive
Songs list of album: Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise (2001)
         Title Rating
01   The Eruption lyrics   -
02   Depraved lyrics   -
03   Empty lyrics   -
04   The Prophet lyrics   -
05    The Tongue of Fire lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    In the Wordless Chamber lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Grey lyrics   -
08    He Who Sought the Fire lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Thorns on My Grave lyrics Add lyrics   -

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