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Composer: Desultory

Desultory - Depression lyrics

Depression touch me, deep inside
Emptiness fills my mind
Loss of lifelust, loss of tears
Veils of sorrow ending nears
Loss of feelings, loss of trust
All my visions turns to dust

No one hears my cries
Loneliness arise
Trying to break free
Severe reality

Confusion rules me, leads astray
Happiness so far away
Loss of interest, loss of hope
Life pass by far too slow
Loss of senses, apathy
Shades of black blindfolds me

Causing wounds
That time won't heal
A grim reality
Will now reveal

Now life seems to cease
Nothing will be the same again

No one hears my cries
Loneliness arise
Trying to break free
Severe reality

Illusions leads me to agony
Trapped inside, disharmony
Loss of lifelust, loss of tears
Veils of sorrow, ending nears
Loss of feelings, loss of trust
All my visions turns to dust
Songs list of album: Into Eternity (1993)
         Title Rating
01   Into Eternity lyrics   -
02   Depression lyrics   -
03   Tears lyrics   -
04   The Chill Within lyrics   -
05   Visions lyrics   -
06   Twisted Emotions lyrics   -
07   Forever Gone lyrics   -
08   Passed Away lyrics   -
09   Asleep lyrics   -

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