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Composer: Destruction

Destruction - Tormentor lyrics

A little boy played strange games
no toy he ever touched
but when nobody looked
his body cooked - in his soul where burnin' flames

Oh my son I see your talent
waitin' for such guys like you
satan's in his throne
in his dark damned doom
his help he'll shurly sent!

(Refrain #1)
Oh little mouse - where is your head
do you want something instead
now little bird you see my blade
now you see I know my trade

He the master in his own four walls
life's an life in fun
cause his only joy
is an livin' toy
somebody to cut off

(Refrain #2)
Oh bloody body - where's your head
can't find it in this mess
missused life i can't stand it
but I'll have success!
Songs list of album: Thrash Anthems (2007)
         Title Rating
01   Bestial Invasion lyrics   -
02    Profanity lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Release from Agony lyrics   -
04   Mad Butcher lyrics   -
05   Reject Emotions lyrics   -
06   Death Trap lyrics   -
07   Cracked Brain lyrics  
08   Life Without Sense lyrics   -
09   Total Desaster lyrics   -
10    Deposition (Your Heads Will Roll) lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Invincible Force lyrics   -
12   Sign of Fear lyrics   -
13   Tormentor lyrics   -
14   Unconscious Ruins lyrics   -
15   Curse the Gods lyrics   -

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