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Composer: Destruction

Destruction - Release from Agony lyrics

I am caught in a dream
and I am trying to pass through.
Something insane is on the prowl
uncertainty is frightening me.
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
This nightmare surrounds me
I am prepared for the worst
Captured timeless in the darkness
one second seems like eternity
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
Getting in state of panic
this can't be just imagination
Iam praying to be awake
I don't want to face this vicious circle
I know this nightmare will revert
it is driving me to despair
My refuge will be reality
Release from Agony!
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
Songs list of album: Release from Agony (1988)
         Title Rating
01    Beyond Eternity lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Release from Agony lyrics   -
03   Dissatisfied Existence lyrics   -
04   Sign of Fear lyrics   -
05   Unconscious Ruins lyrics   -
06   Incriminated lyrics   -
07   Our Oppression lyrics   -
08    Survive to Die lyrics Add lyrics   -

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