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Alastis - The Sign lyrics

Can you feel the scent of dreads
Can you guess the coolness of stares
Can you give blood for that
Can you forget to keep control

Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power
So keep your free will
Dive into the unknown
You need a sign, here is the sign
Let grow the knowledge
Let bloom your soul
You need a sign, I'm the sign

Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power of... life and death

Day after day, hour after hour
You find the answers which bring us the questions
For sure you think it would be better to be like them
To be like us

Into the unknown
Let convey the free will
Let grow the knowledge
Let flash the inner sun

Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power of... life and death

So keep your free will dive into the unknown
You need a sign, here is the sign
Let grow the knowledge
Let bloom your soul
You need a sign, I am the sign

Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power

Day after day, hour after hour
You find the answers which bring us the questions
For sure you think it would be better to be like them
To be like us
Another sheep in the flock
Another number in the mob
Another pawn for the game
Another sign which dies down
Songs list of album: Unity (2001)
         Title Rating
01    The Right to Die lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   The Elect lyrics   -
03   The Sign lyrics   -
04   Another God lyrics   -
05    Who Created the Gods? lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Ghastly Fancies lyrics   -
07   Existence lyrics   -
08   Antidote lyrics   -
09    To the Root of Evil lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   ...And Death Smiled lyrics   -

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