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Composer: Kurt Weill, Bertolt Brecht, Marc Blitzstein

Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Mack the Knife lyrics

Oh the shark has pretty teeth, Dear
And he shows them pearly white
Just a jacknife has Macheath, Dear
And he keeps it out of sight.

When the shark bites through his victim
Scarlet spreads amongst the green
But white gloves wears our Macheath, Dear
And the blood is never seen.

Seven children and their grandpa
In the fire near old Soho
Who's that creeping aound the corner?
Doesn't speak and doesn't know.

Solly Silverstein has vanished
Likewise other rich young men
And Macheath has all their money
Try and prove it if you can.

Sookey Tawdry, Jenny Diver Polly Peachum, Lucy Brown
Oh the line forms on the right, Dear
Now that Mackie's back in town.

Oh the shark has pearly teeth, Babe
And he keeps them in his face
Just a jacknife has Macheath, Babe
Keeps it in a different place.
Songs list of album: One Endless Night (2000)
         Title Rating
01   One Endless Night lyrics   -
02   Banks of the Guadalupe lyrics   -
03   No Lonesome Tune lyrics   -
04   Goodbye Old Missoula lyrics   -
05   Georgia Rose lyrics   -
06   Your Love Is My Rest lyrics   -
07   Blue Shadows lyrics   -
08   Defying Gravity lyrics   -
09   Ripple lyrics   -
10    Ramblin' Man lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Farrow, Darcy lyrics   -
12   Mack the Knife lyrics   -

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