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Composer: The Jesus Lizard

The Jesus Lizard - Monkey Trick lyrics

He's gone in her lips, a glow from her lip ignites the shapes she sees, in the shade
Only a little is used to come to a close, only a little is used to come to a close
Tonight at the knife stick up place, I spoke as a child and choked on that line
(Then I saw them), then I saw them, (then I saw them), then I saw them
What are they doing outside, what are they doing
What the hell are they doing outside, what are they doing
In so much brown and crap it's set in an odd light
This one it stops right here now, I think it's trouble youinvite
In so much as they don't know what's right
This one it stops right here now, I think it's trouble that you invite
An absurd gag, a monkey trick, an Irish Bull, a childish joke
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow
Tonight at the knife stick up place, I spoke as a child and choked on that line
Then I saw the, then I saw them, then I saw them, then I saw them
I know they have them down there, I've seen them down there
Body parts all over thistown, what are they doing
Songs list of album: Goat (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Then Comes Dudley lyrics   -
02   Mouth Breather lyrics   -
03   Nub lyrics   -
04   Seasick lyrics   -
05   Monkey Trick lyrics   -
06   Karpis lyrics   -
07   South Mouth lyrics   -
08   Lady Shoes lyrics   -
09    Rodeo in Joliet lyrics Add lyrics   -

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