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Composer: Michael Gira

Swans - Butcher lyrics

Take this glass of water, hold it in your hand.
Drink the water slowly, don't show an emotion.
Take your clothes off.
Sit on the edge of the bed.
Cover yourself with your hands.
I'll stand in the corner.
I'll stare at the wall.
I'll try to remember what you look like sitting there.
We're seperate bodies.
We'll never understand what the other one needs.
It's just like breathing.
It's just like breathing water.
Sit there with your clothes off while I look at you.
We'll never change.
The world's getting smaller with every second we breath.
When it's inside you, you've changed.
Songs list of album: Cop (1984)
         Title Rating
01   Half Life lyrics   -
02   Job lyrics   -
03    Why Hide lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Clay Man lyrics   -
05   Your Property lyrics   -
06   Cop lyrics   -
07   Butcher lyrics   -
08   Thug lyrics   -

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