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Composer: Kelly, Hogarth, Mosley, Steve Rothery, Pete Trewavas

Marillion - You're Gone lyrics

You're gone. As suddenly as you came to me
Like nightfall followed dawn without a day between
You're gone and suddenly I can't see
I'm in the shadow of you
I'm in the shadow of you
I can see you in my minds rose-tinted eye..
Somewhere you're drifting by
Your heels rolling sparks on the lucky street

While here am I, left behind
Stunned and blind
But I can see you from here
I can see you so clear

You are the light
You are the light
You have the day
I have the night
But we have the early hours together

You're gone, and heaven cries.
A thunderstorm breaks from the northern sky
Chasing you back to the daily grind

You're gone. And where am I?
A haunted life
The ghost of your laughter
The half-empty glass
The half-empty glass

And I wait
'til midnight tolls
Two souls almost touching in the dark
I'll be allright

You are the light
You are the light
You have the day
I have the night
But we have the early hours
We have the early hours
We have the early hours together
Songs list of album: Marbles Live (2005)
         Title Rating
01   The Invisible Man lyrics   -
02   Marbles I lyrics   -
03   You're Gone lyrics   -
04   Angelina lyrics   -
05   Marbles II lyrics   -
06   Don't Hurt Yourself lyrics   -
07   Fantastic Place lyrics   -
08   Marbles III lyrics   -
09   The Damage lyrics   -
10   Marbles IV lyrics   -
11   Neverland lyrics   -
12   Estonia lyrics   -

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