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Ben Lee - Stumbling Block lyrics

[from Grandpaw Would]
I pretend I'm mellow
So you don't think I'm hurt
I'm just a real sad fellow
Pretends he's so down to earth
And I might get a kiss
If I play my cards right
Don't care if I've missed
The whole goddamn point
Just pull myself together in the way
That you'd want me to
You're so mellow
You can't see I'm in pain
My knees turn to jello
And my eyes start to rain
And I might not get dissed
If I play my cards right
Don't care if I've missed
The whole goddamn point
Try to be nice in the way
That you'd want me to
And I wear my shirt like I'm not affected
I'll eat my lunch like I still haven't checked yet
I'll try to be cool and if that doesn't work at all
I'll try to sprawl
Songs list of album: Grandpaw Would (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Pop Queen lyrics   -
02   How Can That Be? lyrics   -
03   Sprawl lyrics   -
04    I'm With the Star lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Don't Leave lyrics   -
06    Away With the Pixies lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Bolt lyrics   -
08   Side View lyrics   -
09   Pathetic lyrics   -
10   Song 4 You lyrics   -
11    Trying to Sneeze lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   The Loft lyrics   -
13   Frigid lyrics   -
14   Stumbling Block lyrics   -
15   Ductile lyrics   -
16   Love Song lyrics   -
17   Green Hearts lyrics   -
18   My Guitar lyrics   -

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