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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Sonic Youth

Sonic Youth - The Sprawl lyrics

To the extent that I wear skirts
and cheap nylon slips
I've gone native
I wanted to know the exact dimension of hell
does this sound simple?
Fuck you! Are you for sale?
Does 'Fuck you' sound simple enough?
This was the only part that turned me on
but he was candy all over

come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more

I grew up in a shotgun row
sliding down the hill
out front were the big machines
steel and rusty now I guess
outback was the river
and that big sign down the road
that's where it all started

come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, more, more, more
Songs list of album: Daydream Nation (1988)
         Title Rating
01   Teen Age Riot lyrics   -
02   Silver Rocket lyrics   -
03   The Sprawl lyrics   -
04    'Cross the Breeze lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Eric's Trip lyrics   -
06   Total Trash lyrics   -
07   Hey Joni lyrics   -
08   Providence lyrics   -
09   Candle lyrics   -
10   Rain King lyrics   -
11   Kissability lyrics   -
12   Trilogy: The Wonder lyrics   -
13   Trilogy: Hyperstation lyrics  
14    Trilogy: Eliminator Jr. lyrics Add lyrics   -

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