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Composer: Ani DiFranco

Ani DiFranco - Gratitude lyrics

thank you
for letting me stay here
thank you for taking me in
thank you
for the beer and the food
thank you
for loaning me bus fare
thank you for showing me around
that was a very kind thing to do
thank you
for the use of the clean towel
thank you for half of your bed
we can sleep here like brother and sister,
you said

but you changed the rules
in an hour or two
and I don't know what you
and your sisters do
but please don't
please stop
this is not my obligation
what does my body have to do
with my gratitude?

look at you
little white lying
for the purpose of justifying
what you're trying to do
I know that you feel my resistance
I know that you heard what I said
otherwise you wouldn't need the excuse

thank you
for letting me stay here
thank you for taking me in
I don't know where else
I would have turned
but I don't come and go
like a pop song
that you can play incessantly
and then foget when it's gone
you can't write me off
and you don't turn me on

so don't change the rules
in an hour or two
I don't know what you and your
sisters do
but please don't
please stop
this is not my obligation
what does my body have to do
with my gratitude?
Songs list of album: Carnegie Hall [live] (2006)
         Title Rating
01   God's Country lyrics   -
02   Subdivision lyrics   -
03    Angry Any. lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Educated G. lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Not So Soft lyrics   -
06    2 Lil Girls lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Gratitude lyrics   -
08    Detroit Annie... lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    In the Way lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   2nd Intermission lyrics   -
11   Names & Dates lyrics   -
12   Serpentine lyrics   -
13    Work in Pro. lyrics Add lyrics   -
14    Out of Range lyrics Add lyrics   -

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