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Composer: Dustin Kensrue, Thrice

Thrice - A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds lyrics

Thrice - The Illusion Of Safety
love everywhere,
exploding, maims and blinds,
a living dance upon dead minds,
love everywhere,
exploding, maims and blinds,
a living dance upon dead minds

but surely does not forget(perish),
sleep, cannot be photographed(measured);
disdains the trivial labeling of punctual brains,
but surely does not forget(perish),
sleep, cannot be photographed(measured);
disdains the trivial labeling of punctual brains,

why its love;
but at the earliest spear
of sun
perfectly should disappear
who wields a poem huger than the grave?
who wields a poem huger than the grave?
who wields a poem huger than the grave?
who wields a poem huger than the grave?
but surely does not forget(perish),
sleep, cannot be photographed(measured);
disdains the trivial labeling of punctual brains,
but surely does not forget(perish),
sleep, cannot be photographed(measured);
disdains the trivial labeling of punctual brains,
(bridge into exit for song)
but surely does not forget(perish),
sleep, cannot be photographed(measured);
disdains the trivial labeling of punctual brains,
but surely does not forget(perish),
sleep, cannot be photographed(measured);
disdains the trivial labeling of punctual brains,
Songs list of album: The Illusion of Safety (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Kill Me Quickly lyrics   -
02   A Subtle Dagger lyrics   -
03   See You in the Shallows lyrics   -
04   Betrayal Is a Symptom lyrics   -
05   Deadbolt lyrics   -
06   In Years to Come lyrics   -
07   The Red Death lyrics   -
08   A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds lyrics   -
09   Where Idols Once Stood lyrics   -
10   Trust lyrics   -
11   To Awake and Avenge the Dead lyrics   -
12   So Strange I Remember You lyrics   -
13   The Beltsville Crucible lyrics   -

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