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Composer: The Dead Milkmen

The Dead Milkmen - Violent School lyrics

Violence rules! (x5)
Violence rules, guns are cool and we've got guns, in our school (x2)

20 people livin' on a desert isle
They're all friendly they all smile
Then the food supply gets too low
20 people 10 gotta go

Violence rules, guns are cool and we've got guns, in our school (x2)

1,000 people gather in the streets of Manhattan
The lights go out guess what happens?
It's time to steal, it's time to shoot!
It's time to rob... taste my boot!

Violence rules! (x5)

Violence rules, guns are cool and we've got guns, in our school (x2)
Violence rules, guns are cool (x2)
Violence rules, guns are cool and we've got guns, in our school
Songs list of album: Big Lizard in My Backyard (1985)
         Title Rating
01   Tiny Town lyrics   -
02   Beach Song lyrics   -
03   Plum Dumb lyrics   -
04   Swordfish lyrics   -
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06   Rastabilly lyrics   -
07   Serrated Edge lyrics   -
08   Lucky lyrics   -
09   Big Lizard lyrics   -
10   Gorilla Girl lyrics   -
11   Bitchin' Camaro lyrics   -
12    Filet of Sole lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Spit Sink lyrics   -
14   Violent School lyrics   -
15    Takin' Retards to the Zoo lyrics Add lyrics   -
16   Junkie lyrics   -
17   Right Wing Pigeons lyrics   -
18   Dean's Dream lyrics   -
19   Laundromat Song lyrics   -
20   Nutrition lyrics   -
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