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Composer: The Dead Milkmen

The Dead Milkmen - Stuart lyrics

You know what, Stuart, I LIKE YOU. You're not like the other
people, here, in the trailer park.

Oh, don't go get me wrong. They're fine people, they're
good Americans. But they're content to sit back, maybe
watch a little Mork and Mindy on channel 57, maybe kick
back a cool, Coors 16-ouncer. They're good, fine people,
Stuart. But they don't know ... what the queers are doing
to the soil!

You know that Jonny Wurster kid, the kid that delivers papers
in the neighborhood. He's a foreign kid. Some of the neighbors
say he smokes crack, but I don't believe it.

Anyway, for his tenth birthday, all he wanted was a Burrow Owl.
Kept bugging his old man.
Songs list of album: Chaos Rules - Live at the Trocadero (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Tiny Town lyrics   -
02   I Walk the Thinnest Line lyrics   -
03   Smokin' Banana Peels lyrics   -
04   Surfin' Cow lyrics   -
05   Bitchin' Camaro lyrics   -
06    Where the Tarantula Lives lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Nutrition lyrics   -
08    Big Lizzard lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   The Thing That Only Eats Hippies lyrics   -
10   I Hate You, I Love You lyrics   -
11   Lucky lyrics   -
12   V.F.W. lyrics   -
13    Rock Girl lyrics Add lyrics   -
14   Rastabilly lyrics   -
15   Stuart lyrics   -
16   Right Wing Pigeons lyrics   -
17   Tacoland lyrics   -
18   Laundromat Song lyrics   -
19   Swordfish lyrics   -

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